Monopolize the conversation and How to Stop it


Have you ever been part of a virtual team? Took part in an online meeting with technology? As virtual meetings between the teams becoming more common, new problems and new solutions are needed to combat these problems. One trouble that virtual teams may face conversation is a monopolization by one or two people on the team. Although it is difficult for everyone to have equal “air time” in the meetings, it is important to find ways to allow everyone to contribute.

Here are 6 tips in order to remedy this problem and get all the members of the meeting contribute

Tip # 1: Have team members introduce themselves at the start of the meeting
simple steps to take in the meeting to help everyone participate is a quick presentation of each person. This gives an early opportunity for each team member to say a few words and become more comfortable in the meeting.

Tip # 2: Bring basic etiquette for meeting
Another important step to take in the meeting is to bring several groups of rules or etiquette as time limits for discussion and response of the individual. Communicate these policies at the beginning of the meeting allows everyone to have the same understanding and creates a good flow of meeting with as much “air time”.

Tip # 3: Address members specifically ask for input
In virtual meetings, team leader needs to play a strong role to ensure all members have the opportunity to contribute. A simple way to do this is to, by any question or comment, asking for input for a particular individual. For example, “John, what do you think about the idea Alex?” This will help get quieter members involved and ensure that all parties are paying attention. We recommend that in the beginning of the meeting, make groups meet knowing you will have to call people by name for their input. This will help to focus their attention on the meeting and encourage participation.

Tip # 4: Have a one-on-one meetings with members of the meeting
As a team leader or manager, one-on-one meetings can also help to promote equal participation and reduce monopolization meetings. These one-on-one conversation with each team member can help the team leader discuss issues that occur during meetings team in a safe environment. Whether a person is monopolizing or did not contribute enough to the meeting, it can be easily explained and discussed in a clear and amicable manner.

Tip # 5: Designate a timekeeper in order to keep everything on schedule
Keeping track of time is another way to reduce the monopolization time in meetings. A common approach is to appoint a timekeeper to ensure team members stay within their time limits. It is also important to recognize and validate ideas are set by the person monopolizes the meeting. Without proper recognition they can feel under-appreciated and this will hurt the performance of the team as a whole.

Tip # 6: There are people at the meeting, if they are not relevant
The phrase “less is more” can be applied to virtual team meetings as well. Only team members are necessary for the meeting. Having a large number of individuals in the meeting will allow less people to express their ideas and create more congestion.

As the business world becomes more aware of the success of virtual meetings, the need for effective and productive virtual meetings is important. Although some meetings may leave some members silenced, with a few simple changes in these meetings can become productive meeting with all members actively participate. Virtual meetings would allow the maximum potential members to reality, changing the face of the business world as we know it.


Source by Claire Sookman

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