7 steps to implement the new telephone system


Business telephone systems are generally important to the pulse of any company. Companies must go through the process of purchasing and change from one phone to another system on average between 5 and 7 years. Whether a company is to upgrade old digital system, set Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) enabled system or application Hosted PBX or Virtual PBX Hosted by VoIP Providers, transition is usually painful. This need not be the case, however. Here are some steps that will minimize the disruption of changing the communication system

1. Do not wait until the last minute to decide on Phone System. Phone system vendors will agree to almost any installation time to make the sale. However, the less time they are given, the installation will sloppier. Planning proper installation takes time which is not always under the control of the seller or Hosted VoIP provider. Small system requires a minimum of three weeks to prepare. Larger systems require more time and some may require several months. If phone service is switched from one carrier to another, the time for porting numbers should be factored into the equation. Carriers should be able to estimate the time it takes to port that can be as much as 60 days.

2. Identify all telephone lines and what they Do. This should have been done before the decision on your system. If it has not been done, do it immediately. Use your phone bills or call the Local Exchange Carrier (Lec) identification of lines and numbers. If there is still some uncertainty about some of the lines and circuits, call them. Eliminate any that are not used and make sure the new system or Hosted PBX service accommodates all needs.

3. Know Installation Program New Phone circuits. Will the new directions to be ready in time for the installation of new telephone system? Each type of track phone requires different hardware components inside the telephone system. If there is a possibility of a new cycle will not be ready, then talk to the new telephone system seller how old lanes will be handled by the new system.

4. Have all individual and departmental needs Been Met? Hopefully the new phone system vendor helped review all individual and departmental needs to make sure the new phone system or Hosted PBX services could see them. Examine each department to ensure their needs are known. Plan how individuals and departments will use every phone system, or virtual PBX features.

5. Know who will get each type of call. If different types of phones were purchased, determine in advance the profile within the company will receive each type of phone. Make sure that the phone will carry out the functions used by each person or department.

6. Make sure the network is ready for VoIP telephone. If a new phone system includes VoIP telephone with IP enabled telephone system or Hosted PBX services from Hosted VoIP provider, check the computer network to make sure it is ready to deal with VoIP traffic. Is data cable to all parts of the phone? Not remote VoIP users outside the office have access to broadband Internet? How will VoIP phones remote user connect back to IP enabled telephone system? It will be exposed to the Internet? Connected through a private network, VPN or session border controller? Is phone seller know this answer?

7. Have conducting meetings with the seller ‘s Project Manager. Implementation meeting will ensure that everyone is on the same page. Dates should be set for the installation of the meeting. Know how long the transition will occur. Will take place on a weekday, after hours or on the weekend? How will the calls get answered in transition? In addition, the answers to steps 2 to 6 should be discussed.

Telephone system transitions can be exciting and painful at the same time. While following these 7 steps will not guarantee a perfect installation, it will reduce the chances nasty surprise.


Source by James Waldrop

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