Pros and cons transcription


As a Virtual Assistant, one of the services that you may want to consider offering your customers the recipe. Although it sounds easy enough (to listen to the audio tape and just type what you hear), it is much more involved than that.

There are pros and cons that you should consider before the decision to offer transcription services.

According to the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, the official definition of Write-up is “a written copy of” or “to make a copy of (dictated or recorded matter) in longhand or on a machine (like a typewriter).” now before you drag out the trusty old typewriter, you need to make sure that you have a few things first. Most importantly, you need a good computer with Internet access and both transcription and word processing software installed on it because the old typewriter just is not going to do the trick anymore. Some other equipment you need is a quality headphones, a comfortable chair in a quiet room, and if you are serious about doing transcription, pedal (preferably USB type). Depending on the form used (DVD, mp3, cassettes, micro-cassettes, etc.), you may need additional equipment for audio playback. Of course, to be efficient Transcriptionist, you will also have a pretty decent typing speed, good listening, spelling and grammar skills.

Here are some of the places you will want to take into consideration before you decide to offer Transcription Services


the pricing is pretty obvious (by word, page or audio minutes / hour)

sharpens listening and typing skills

opportunity to learn about new and interesting content

can turn into a long-term client that recipe can easily lead to other projects (editing, proofreading, article writing or creating a book)

Pre-recorded sound gives you the flexibility to write when (great for those who are trying to juggle a 9-5 job, too)

with some more education, you have the option to specialize (ie medical or legal transcription) and imposing higher specialized rate


may need to buy some equipment and / or software (headphones, foot pedals, etc.)

you will have a decent typing speed or you do not going to make a lot of live action formula

Sound quality, many speakers, accents, people talking over each other, and audience interaction can significantly slow down the recipe process causes frustration and decrease productivity

template provided by the customer can be difficult to work with

formula is not multi-tasking friendly; you need to focus not call or tweet

Real-time recipe requires you and the customer is offered at the same time. This does not allow time for editing, or breaks

As with any task you perform for your customers, you need to ask important questions before you start.

You should be prepared with a checklist of some kind, finding out certain information ahead of time will save you time and trouble. Some questions you should ask your client before transcription

What client will eventually make a recipe (ie create an article or book)?

What form is sound (DVD, MP3, cassette, micro-cassettes, etc.)?

How will you get sound (mail, email, etc)?

Is the customer wants graduation or just an electronic file?

What form they want the final product (Word, PDF, etc)?

Do they want or they will literally umms and other unfinished thoughts changed out?

How many speakers are?

Not all of the speakers have accents?

Are they looking just having words put on paper or are they looking for something that is proofread, edit and in the final drafting stage?

Is music are confidential?

o the client will require non-disclosure agreement in addition to the Virtual Assistance Agreement?
o If Medical Transcription, it will be HIPPA compliance issues involved?

If you decide to venture into the realm of the recipe, make sure you have all the necessary tools in place to make your trip a positive experience. Take your time when creating proposals and make sure you understand all the details of each recipe project. If you are not sure of the terms of the project, contact the customer for clarification.

You do not want to get in over your head and disappointed customers and yourself.

Consider taking on several small “trial” projects before officially offering transcription services on your website.

volunteer to write a meeting or two for a church or civic group to gain some experience. You may even suggest a business and get customer testimonial for your business! Either way it is a great opportunity to try out the recipe, and see if it is worth adding to your business.

If you are typing, spelling and grammatical knowledge necessary transcription and you are ready to invest in some equipment to start, the transcription may be for you. Transcription can be frustrating and exhausting at times, but it can also be rewarding, interesting and flexible service you can offer your customers. Although it has its advantages and disadvantages, always keep in mind transcribing is perfect springboard for additional services you want to market your customers to keep your business flourishing.


Source by Kathleen Vargas

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