7 Reasons to offer Teleseminars and webinars


speakers, trainers, consultants, and other professionals who offer their own courses and workshops are ideal candidates to become promoters of teleseminars and webinars, as Healthy.

Although in-person events provide a unique experience that can not be replicated in a virtual format, they do not appeal to all customers. Many potential meet not have the time or budget to travel to training events now. Offering teleseminars and webinars provides a way to meet their needs and generate income.

The benefits of offering teleseminars and webinars are:

  1. You do not have to travel. No more wasting your time flying across the country or even teaching your luggage in town to the hotel you choose for your event. You simply need to walk down the hall to the office, turn on your computer and call the conference line. Participants love the convenience … and so do the speakers.
  2. Virtual events require less prep work and delivery. In most cases, a teleseminar or webinar should last between 60 and 90 minutes. Export used to deliver full- and multi-day programs can prepare this amount of material in no time.
  3. can market the real events quickly. Most registrations for teleseminars and webinars coming in the last 48 hours before the event. Although you can start marketing these events a month or more in advance, you do not have to. In fact, it is quite possible to fill the event with only a week’s worth of marketing.
  4. It is easier to get people to sign up. Because real events do not require as large of commitment in terms of time or money, it is easier to get prospects to sign up. Response rates tend to be higher with real events, with in-person events.
  5. It is cheaper to deliver. You do not have to pay for meeting space, audio equipment, food and drink, handouts, registration staff, event planner or travel or accommodation for you. Webinars will require a small investment to pay for more technology, and there are many options for free or low-cost teleconferencing.
  6. can create an alternate stream of income. Offering teleseminars and webinars gives you a way to meet customer needs – in the form of their budget and time constraints demand. If you do not offer actual training, they seek out other experts … and you will lose income and connectivity.
  7. You are under less pressure to perform. Risk of any event is that it will not be well received and was not well attended. Delivering training room is pretty empty is disheartening, even embarrassing. Although the quality of training will not affect too much, low turnout may affect attitudes towards you. Some may begin to question their decision to join and wonder if you are qualified to teach the program. With teleseminars and webinars, you do not have this problem. Unless you keep the lines open for them to talk at the start of the call or opening lines Field questions, there is no way that the participants can tell how many other people are listening to. Even if you get only one participant, you can deliver a successful program. Deliver training as best we can, take it, and you will have a high-quality product to sell … regardless of how many participated.

The training industry has changed. Teleseminars and webinars are here to stay, and many prospects are present methods for further education. Embed virtual events in speaking and training business, and not only will you have a way to generate more income, you’ll also build stronger relationships with your attendees, which makes them ideal candidates for live training in the future.


Source by Jenny Hamby

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