5 Characteristics of Great Outsourcing Company


Searching large outsourcing companies when trying to find a virtual assistant online can be a daunting task, just type in “outsourcing” or “virtual assistant “with a search engine and you will get hundreds, if not thousands, of replies in response to a query. So, how would you sift through all of these options for outsource your work?

There are actually several qualities that you need to look for when you are looking for a great Virtual Assistant Company with which can be traded; such as:

1. Varied services Come why in the world would you want to hire BPO company would not be able to supply all kinds of freelance workers you need? You need to find a company that has people with different specialties in the exercise. Some of the regular freelance workers available online are Vas, content writers and people who specialize in art.

2. Reasonable price – When it comes to price, the only way you can consider the price to be fair is that if you get a good job for the money. If you are able to get good quality and on-time job, you may consider paying a higher price, rather than going with a cheaper price and get a crappy job. Remember, you get what you pay for!

3. Experienced Workers – If you want more bang for your buck, you’re going to want to work with an outsourcing company that has seasoned and highly skilled workers in their work. Avoid companies that advertise cheaper labor, or those that allow newbies in their ranks. You may want to conduct a little research on how these companies screen their employees. Do they select only the cream of the crop, or do they rent out amateur freelancers then let them handle their customers?

4. Great Customer Support – One of great advantage of working online is that you can always ask for customer support, no matter what time it is. However, were it is another matter. Looking for BPO company that has Sterling judgments when it comes to supporting their customers; great BPO companies will always make sure that they answer customer target as quickly and as accurately as possible.

5. Full Disclosure – Outsourcing can be somewhat the murky process; you will basically contract a person or group to handle your work, then receive the final work, after you pay. There are times when you do not really know what’s going on intermediary process. You want to be able to work with an outsourcing company that you can trust with your business. They should be able to answer all your questions and queries regarding their work and policies fully and honestly.

And there you have it; these features are some of the features that you should look for when you hire an outsourcing company. There might be some features that you would personally prefer when you are doing the hiring, but basically, these features would make for a great company to work with.


Source by Bobby Hicks

Appointment Install Scripts for insurance Professional


Whether you are selling a home, life, auto or health insurance even get a date often means the difference between getting “I’ll think about it” and “the let’s get this going now. ” Those who do not know how to set a date quickly get out of the business because they can not just policy.

mode command in the insurance industry is different from other companies. With complex jargon, confusing charges and multiple payment prospects are often skeptical. They think you’re just trying to add additional coverage to get “bigger commission.” They do not seem to understand that you are trying to protect them. If you could just sit down with them one on one you could help them to see the benefits of increasing coverage.

The insurance more appointments set more policies you must close daily. In fact, if you dedicated two and a half hours a day on the phone just book an appointment you would have a 7 Picture business in insurance. Most drugs are so busy running around town or dealing with claims that they hardly dedicate an hour a day to new business. When you consider the award of time booking appointments insurance business there is a real “no brainer” to learn the art of appointment setting scripts.

To add more appointments for the insurance business I invite you to consider the following tips:

  1. Give them a reason to meet with you – most proxies pitch in their sales scripts that they can save protégé money or they can make a “free audit” of current policies. Prospects know these tricks and they will not be listening when you make those kinds of statements. Instead of telling them why they should meet with you consider piquing their interest. For example, you could ask them, “Would it be worth 17 minutes of your time to save 17% or more on all your insurance policies?”
  2. Give them a chance – People do not like to say what to do. When you want more appointments give customers the opportunity to choose what they want to meet you. By simply providing the two options you can easily double your command count weekly. Consider giving them a different day and time options for maximum results.

As you are calling and use appointment setting scripts for the insurance business I invite you to consider giving prospects options and piquing their interest in a way that compels them to want to meet you!

Dive today to free, power packed, sales script course that will have you doubling appointments. 67 interest piquing questions Discover sell my
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Source by Todd T Bates

7 Reasons to offer Teleseminars and webinars


speakers, trainers, consultants, and other professionals who offer their own courses and workshops are ideal candidates to become promoters of teleseminars and webinars, as Healthy.

Although in-person events provide a unique experience that can not be replicated in a virtual format, they do not appeal to all customers. Many potential meet not have the time or budget to travel to training events now. Offering teleseminars and webinars provides a way to meet their needs and generate income.

The benefits of offering teleseminars and webinars are:

  1. You do not have to travel. No more wasting your time flying across the country or even teaching your luggage in town to the hotel you choose for your event. You simply need to walk down the hall to the office, turn on your computer and call the conference line. Participants love the convenience … and so do the speakers.
  2. Virtual events require less prep work and delivery. In most cases, a teleseminar or webinar should last between 60 and 90 minutes. Export used to deliver full- and multi-day programs can prepare this amount of material in no time.
  3. can market the real events quickly. Most registrations for teleseminars and webinars coming in the last 48 hours before the event. Although you can start marketing these events a month or more in advance, you do not have to. In fact, it is quite possible to fill the event with only a week’s worth of marketing.
  4. It is easier to get people to sign up. Because real events do not require as large of commitment in terms of time or money, it is easier to get prospects to sign up. Response rates tend to be higher with real events, with in-person events.
  5. It is cheaper to deliver. You do not have to pay for meeting space, audio equipment, food and drink, handouts, registration staff, event planner or travel or accommodation for you. Webinars will require a small investment to pay for more technology, and there are many options for free or low-cost teleconferencing.
  6. can create an alternate stream of income. Offering teleseminars and webinars gives you a way to meet customer needs – in the form of their budget and time constraints demand. If you do not offer actual training, they seek out other experts … and you will lose income and connectivity.
  7. You are under less pressure to perform. Risk of any event is that it will not be well received and was not well attended. Delivering training room is pretty empty is disheartening, even embarrassing. Although the quality of training will not affect too much, low turnout may affect attitudes towards you. Some may begin to question their decision to join and wonder if you are qualified to teach the program. With teleseminars and webinars, you do not have this problem. Unless you keep the lines open for them to talk at the start of the call or opening lines Field questions, there is no way that the participants can tell how many other people are listening to. Even if you get only one participant, you can deliver a successful program. Deliver training as best we can, take it, and you will have a high-quality product to sell … regardless of how many participated.

The training industry has changed. Teleseminars and webinars are here to stay, and many prospects are present methods for further education. Embed virtual events in speaking and training business, and not only will you have a way to generate more income, you’ll also build stronger relationships with your attendees, which makes them ideal candidates for live training in the future.


Source by Jenny Hamby

The 5 Benefits of Virtual Training Engagements


Guiding, educate and train others in the specified cause or reason, the need to establish a strong virtual team. Training is considered one of the most effective ways to achieve a certain goal or develop or benchmark. A lot of individuals and groups believe that this process an important factor in achieving their goals and dreams.

Coaching, over decades, is face to face and is usually tied to a specific environment. But because of scientific discoveries and technological advances, develop training on what we now call virtual training.

geographical location and a busy schedule are no longer obstacles because the real training can be done over the phone, through the Internet, or possible. This method offers stability study, efficiency and development.

Here are some of the benefits of virtual training

1. It helps to cut expenses. Face-to-face training costs more than the actual training, however, you get the same benefits. You can save your money for other purposes instead of spending it all for training needs.

2. It cultivates self and critical thinking. Where training is more about helping you develop your professional growth, you will have the opportunity to think about yourself and be aware of what you really need. As you recognize these needs, you also learn how to help you and meet your goals. You get the self-direction.

3. Offer more privacy. Some coaches do not want to let others know that they are conducting training. It is their prerogative to comply with the decision. Virtual learning provides a solution for those who want to keep their training role built.

4. It requires you to be more active. This type of training involves immediate reaction to things that are necessary for you to develop. Virtual training helps you stay alert and focused. The key to successful training not subject to the coach and activities provided; the greater part of its success relies on you.

5. No time and distance barrier. Since you do not have to meet personal coach anymore, you do not have to worry about the distance longer, even with a busy schedule. You should just talk about the plan selected by coach and negotiate the time, and then everything will be set.

These are the major benefits you get from virtual training. Just remember to keep all the necessary components or attributes you want front and center when you engage yourself in such training. Focusing on personal needs as well as professional priorities will help you succeed wildly in a virtual training participation.


Source by Jo Romano

Use the 80/20 Rule to grow your business


If your business is not growing, you need to get a handle on the way you are running it. Many business owners tend to spend huge amounts of time to perform unnecessary tasks that contribute little to growth. The 80/20 rule, otherwise known as the Pareto Principle, teaches that only 20% of your actions should lead to 80% of your success. Get a handle on your business by placing the 80/20 rule in implementation and identify high payoff tasks.

The 80/20 Rule (Pareto Principle) Explained
Developed in the early 19th century by Vilfredo Pareto, the Italian economist Pareto Principle was used to explain why only 20 % of the population was responsible for 80% of the country’s wealth. It was later in the mid-1900s the theory of Pareto Principle was edited by Dr. Joseph Duran. When used to cause and effect, teaching him to 20% of actions (cause) would produce 80% of the end results (effects). Because Duran theory is expanded on the original version had a Pareto 80/20 rule, Dr. Duran theory soon became known only the Pareto principle.

What Pareto principle means for your business
The 80/20 rule can be applied to almost any situation, but it is especially useful when applied to business (especially if you are now one show). The 80/20 rule is not just another ordinary time / business process management; when used effectively, but the power to drastically increase your income and free up valuable time, allowing the business to grow.

Perhaps this means that you can cut down on staff with weed out projects that are completely unnecessary to install an automated system. Maybe it means that it’s time for you to hire an assistant or a virtual assistant you can hide low-priority tasks. Use the 80/20 rule to identify high payoff tasks within the company and automate the low-priority or non-income driving tasks will allow you the freedom you need to grow revenue.

identify high payoff task
For the purposes of putting theory Duran in context, let’s say 20% of your employees are responsible for driving 80% of sales, or 20% of customers make up 80% of the product or service sales of phone.

to grow your business and success, it is important that you carefully analyze your business model and examine the 20% of your actions are responsible for 80% of your success.

Add the 80/20 rule in action by focusing on the specific projects which will lead in driving sales and revenue. Instead of relentlessly marketing business to new customers, focus more attention on all-selling to existing customers. It takes as often as ten times the effort to get new customers to buy from you as it does to up-sell to existing customers.

review the product and service sales for the last two years. If you have products or applications consistently not sell – close them out at a reduced cost or completely stop them. Identify the products or services (usually 20% of your stock) that continually sell and then focus your energy on driving more sales more customers.

If you’ve got customer feedback, let’s say, on eBook writing, instinctive solution would be to either handle each request individually, or give an updated version of the eBook, free of charge. However, you can easily turn the situation in the high payoff task by keeping the comments or questions and address them in a whole new series of eBooks. Remember the Pareto principle is to do more with less effort. You already have issues to tackle, all you simply need to do is put it in the form of information.

The Other Side of the Pareto Principle
You can assume that you only need to deal with productive side (20%), but projects that fall into unproductive 80% will also be addressed. Management as answering phones and e-mail accounts, set up a website and monitor it, and push papers should certainly not fall into the hands of the executive in business (that’s you). Not to say that this project should be eliminated from your business model, because they are essential. The difference is that they must be hidden so you can focus on the high payoff tasks and set up the company for growth. Hire a Virtual Assistant or employee to take responsibility for the tasks that you can not and should not do.

If your business is struggling, you can use the 80/20 rule to identify high payoff tasks. If you are currently working ten hours or more every day, put the 80/20 rule in action to finally take back control of your life. By doing so, you will be able to move past the ineffective projects that make up 80% of your business and take up most of your time.


Source by Anne Bachrach

Things to Consider in Choosing Office Phone System


Many would think that your phone is the same and it will always do the job for you. Well that may be true if you are just looking for a residential solution. However, companies need more than just the ability to make and receive calls. It should let companies improve their communication flow and assist with the tender products and services.

The choice of an office phone system is very important and business owners should be very careful and meticulous in every aspect of the solution you are looking at. Below is a list of the things you need to consider before the office telephone system.

Cost – clearly one of the most important factors is the cost. Select this system affordable but not cheap and a system that will give you the most value out of the money business. The initial cost burdens often companies because the big bucks involved, however, did you know that there are service providers out there that allow you to lend handset? This model is ideal for companies that are running on a budget, but desperately need a phone system as soon as possible.

Dial Price – Another factor involves money is dial the price, it is obvious that all enterprise owners will have the best satellite rates. Most of the time it is struggling against capped calling plans, which means that you only need to pay a certain amount for unlimited calling plans and pay. Both programs are great but are intended for different needs. If you are sure that you will make tons of calls then obviously capped plans will be better for you than if you are just a regular use them to pay only for the actual calls you make is better.

Features – being called a PBX that just have to have a ton of features built in it, features that will help you to assist in the optimization of internal and external business processes. There are service providers out there that offer almost all PBX features at no extra cost while others charge even for very basic one such as caller ID so you have to be careful in selecting a provider that it will play an important role in your overhead costs.

Reliability and quality – Finally, you phone system that rings every time a call comes in and ensure that the call is of good quality. Choose a provider that can guarantee quality, reliability and customer support systems. You can also evaluate these factors by logging into the forums and get feedback from real users and real customers.


Source by Marie S Liamson

Current Trends in Business Communication


Anyone who has owned or worked for the company know that the constant advancement of technology goes hand in hand with the progress of business communication. In the last ten years has tremendous technological advancements that have occurred in their relationship changed so that we do business so drastically that we view communication development pre-2000 “Vintage”. So the conversation on current trends, be aware that in a few days they will be old development.

Cloud computing is the latest trend to hit business communication. The simple way to describe cloud computing is by comparing it to the electricity grid. A ‘cloud’ on shared servers provide resources such as software and data to a host of other computers – all on demand. In reality computing cloud is a natural development of the web-based world of communications. It takes control of the technological infrastructure of the hands of IT professionals, who can now focus on their areas of expertise, such as development. The use of cloud computing from a business point of view communication comes in the discussion of finance. Small and medium businesses no longer have the need to buy, install and maintain their own server. Capital expenditure budgets are reduced, possibly involving the transformation of these dollars to the activities of the expenditure side of the ledger. Another major benefit of cloud computing in business is how it lowers the barriers to entry into the market. New companies can simply provide an appropriately equipped to produce their product, computer and Internet connection, and be ready to pass on to its customers.

book reader is one of the latest trends appear in business communication horizon, but it is not clear whether the purveyors store has to fully appreciate the potential. The book reader has the ability to scan the printed material, recognize letters and text-to-speech software, play it on the user’s computer or Mobile Audio Player. In other words, you could listen to this article on your iPod. Most business people get their emails on their phone and check, now a large volume documents, contracts, training manuals and other printed matter could be downloaded to any device. The impact on business communication is potentially quite significant, but the software is not extensively tested or used as yet.

Social networking has publicly from only being used socially important and viable approach to customer relationship management (CRM). Using tools like Facebook, blogs, public forums and wiki pages, companies can better know how to attract and keep customers. CRM begins with acquiring new customers through contact management, sales and customer satisfaction. Increased CRM occurs through excellent business communication and use of customer service tools such as expert product and ease of procurement. Keep customers occurs through loyalty and rewards. CRM software or databases can inform business owners of long-term customers and provide the means to identify them through promotional activities.

Optimizing each stage of business communication will always be a trend in business. Making it easier for customers to send and receive content or communication from you is more important. Many companies are choosing to create interactive websites where customers can achieve report, invoice and the goods when they feel the need. This creates a whole new level of service quality, as well as opening up the field of business communication. No longer is the customer waiting for 9 am on Monday morning.

PowerPoint presentations have been around for more than a decade, but they are still valuable audio tool in business communications. Dynamic presentations aimed to teach the customer about the product or service are full of potential and have a much clearer results than a one-dimensional oral presentation. Even the phones are used in a more effective way of business communication, and not always to speak. Email, text messaging and the internet are available and very useful tool for any business person. Plus book readers (as mentioned above) will soon allow business-related documents for reading on a cell phone.

Technology will continue to advance and new communication devices will come. The trick to successful business communication is to monitor trends and learn how they can do business better.


Source by Chris Haycox

Outsourcing Social Networking


Social networking is thought of as one of the most efficient methods for marketing and advertising your business. So actually, what is the Net? There are many networking sites on the World Wide Web – mainly social, some of which you may have come across are those such as MySpace or Facebook. These are websites that have been created to help people develop relationships today. These types of sites are popping up all over the internet and spread to fill all clear market niche. There are also quite a few other extra web 2.0 tools such as podcasts, webinars, blogs, and video casts – to name just a few. These tools make it possible for individuals and businesses to advertise, promote, inform, educate and share completely online.

The majority of social networking sites are free account – which allows Getting Started easy. It is certainly a cost effective method to get you and your business to where it needs to be. Not only are these sites free, but most other networking tools are also free, such as videos, podcasts, and blogs. With technology, mobile phones and computers are all feasible when promoting your business.

There is one major pitfall that network – Time.

Connect, control and participate, along with inbox management and general maintenance of the network is time-consuming and, while very effective, can eat into valuable time in the working day. But all is not lost. A Virtual Assistant or VA can assist with network and time management. All management is greatly simplified when you have someone really competent handling your account login numbers, to investigate the most effective places to network, managing complete profile, groups, contacts and much more. A VA can enable you to effectively network. Whether you are a professional who needs more time in the day, or a beginner who has little knowledge in this field, a Virtual Assistant can make “all the difference in the world”.

Tek assistance networking website can mean gaining all the benefits without having to find openings calendar to work through every detail consuming ones.

Over time, it is possible to develop a significant network of contacts, potential customers and colleagues with outsourcing as little as one or two hours a week to this project. The more time that is outsourced, the faster the results will start to show. It is necessary to note that it can often take time to see these results when starting out. There are not any ‘quick fix’ network techniques; this method provides long-term progress towards the establishment of you and your business. So although networking is a great way to promote a business, product, service or person, it is not an instant solution for financial gain, nor will improve web site traffic overnight.

So what should you look for when outsourcing network project?

1) A good VA will first take an interest in your company, products, services, location, target market, website, and virtually any other side information you are able to provide in order for them to understand exactly what you are all about.

2) They should offer you advice – or at least, a form to fill out so that you can explain all the long-term goals. With this, the VA can clearly see what you are looking to reach the network.

3) They should then research and find the most beneficial network methods, sites and technologies based on the information you have provided.

4) Finally, plan or program should be formulated and presented with suggested options, location and timetables explain the choice and the benefits of each of these methods.

5) When the plan is approved – it’s all systems go, just sit back and let your VA get to work!


Source by Michelle Dale

MOTO Credit Card Processing


Merchants that accept credit cards as a payment when the buyer is not physically present are participating in MOTO credit card processing. MOTO is the abbreviation for mail order telephone order, but it is not just a mail order companies that use this type of processing. Any company manually keys in the card information when the card is not present to participate in the MOTO processing.

Special care

Traders use MOTO credit card processing have specific needs different from merchants who physically swipe a card that is available. Here we look at these special needs.

  • Virtual Terminal – Many traders use this kind of processing will be using a virtual terminal that allows for manually keyed in transactions on a secure website. This type of terminal that makes it possible to enter into transactions from any place where Internet access is available.
  • Credit Card Terminals – One of the more safe way to work cards, merchant processing MOTO can choose the card terminal without printer. This should reduce the cost compared to other terminals.
  • PC processing – When this option traders manually enter card details on their individual computers.
  • Merchant Accounts – Special caution is required when getting a merchant company with MOTO processing like this type of business is considered higher risk when compared to standard retail seller.
  • Security As with any credit card processing, security is a major concern for merchants who do not have a physical card present.
  • Fraud protection – to go hand-in-hand with safety, MOTO merchants are at greater risk of fraud. Special measures should be taken to ensure that all transactions are legitimate. Stolen credit card or unauthorized transactions are always a concern for both merchants and cardholders.

MOTO Credit Card Processing

into account ‘taking special circumstances associated of MOTO processing merchants who complete manually key in credit will team up with the right processor. It is important that the processor you choose understands your specific business needs. Since this type of payment processing are considered high risk in the industry, which needs to be thoroughly processors, equipment, fees and other expenses will be important. Without taking the proper steps to ensure that you have properly installed, your business is at increased risk of losing money unnecessarily.

Right processors can help you establish the correct merchant account, offering advice in the most efficient way to process credit transactions and providing affordable services . This processor will ensure the highest level of security when processing card transactions while at the same time providing better customer service should you need it. As a business owner it is your responsibility to learn what special conditions apply to the processing of payment and learn how to best protect your customers as well as yourself when processing credit card transactions. By doing this, your company has the opportunity to thrive with MOTO credit card processing.


Source by Steve Dowell

Video Conferencing in tourism


Whether it is a weekend family trip or business trip, people love to travel outside their home, they enjoy being in different geographical locations as a tourist. Spend holidays with family helps to balance work and home. With busy schedules, families are occupied, do not have time to spend enjoying, travel tour allows family members to spend time with each other. On the other hand, business travel helps in building a team. In either case, good planning is required to ensure successful travel tour. Implementing technologies helps operators create new travel packages with exotic locations, help travelers decide to go and win the trust regarding facilities.

decided to travel journey – every tourist place is of great interest, worth spending time and money. Videos fascinating place for a trap to know about the place. The nearest tourist think of travel booking, including hotel accommodation, convince tourists that travel provides well facilitated housing is important. Travel agencies have information about various places and accommodations they are going to provide. Using Video conferencing literally see and interact with people will help in building confidence in travelers to departments.

Virtual tour – Real trip can be organized a month or a week, having a visual understanding of travel before the real journey, interact with tour guide with video conferencing technology related to travel places will be good preamble for a long trip. A virtual visit tour packages to tourists by travel booking, increases the interest and trust departments tourist agencies. Implementation of vBulletin multipoint video conferencing connecting multiple locations tourist with tourist agencies at the same time helps travelers to visit the places live within an hour.

Budget package – less money with more privilege is what every tourist looks on. Presenting travel tour with many facilities within budget can be amazing to tourists. It keeps them thinking about the comfort of the tourist places. Producing video clips of housing can not build confidence in tourists. Having an interactive conversation with the staff and see live housing can bring confidence in them. Communication via video conferencing gives a sense of face to face conversation. Online conferencing tools like video conferencing software makes connecting travelers to staff accommodation.

Guides – Guides make interesting places . They mount tremendous interest, come alive in a place with amalgam of knowledge and voice their culture. If tourists are not satisfied with the guidance of the whole scenario becomes dull. Speaking guide for the trip online through video conferencing software ensures that their time and money is worth it to have a knowledgeable and enthusiastic person who can energize lively attitude.

Technology makes it easier, tourism is no exception. Effective implementation of video conferencing connects people and places bringing out amazing results in tourism.


Source by Shelly Desuza